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DRUSHTIDHAMA is a holistic method of
treating eye disorders

DRUSHTIDHAMA has been awarded by ISO Certification in the year 2017. DRUSHTIDHAMA India's No.1 ISO 9001:2015 Certified SCHOOL OF EYES.

" Eye Care for You"

Did You Know?

On Average, You Blink About 15 To 20 Times Every Minute That Up To 28,800 Times A Day. The Eye Is The Jewel Of The Body.'True That' Your Eyes Are Windows To World.

While Watching T.V
  • Sit approximately 8 to 10 feet from the T.V. screen.
  • Make sure the room has soft lighting while watching TV in the dark can make your eyes tired.
  • Give your eyes a break , get up and walk around and give your eyes some screen-free time.
  • Use the 20-20-20 rule.
  • Keep the TV at eye levle or lower to prevent your vertical eye muscles from getting to tired.
  • Remember to blink
Sport vision and Eye Care
  • Everyone should wear protection eye wear.
  • For the best protection use eye ware mode of ultra-strong polycarbonate.
  • Move your head from side to side while reading so that the word you are reading is directly under your nose.
  • Toys. BB Guns, dart ,sticks, stones and air guns can injure your eyes. Remember to play safe.
PC and Laptop user Tips
  • Follow the 20/20/20 rule properly.
  • Keep screen at a distance screen have proliferated far beyond PC & Laptops. Whenever you working on computer , ensure that the area is well lit, and the computer screen is not brighter than background.
  • Sit away from the window to minimize glare as it make. your eye work harder thus staring them.
Safety First
  • You dont have to work on a factory. Floor to sustain an the job injury. People understand that you need safty glasses or googles when using power tool.
  • Overtime exposure to ultraviolet rays can deteriorate vision. The sun's ray can hurt your eyes.
  • DRUSHTIDHAMA recommends sunglasses that block at least 90% of UVA & UVB radiation and visible light and recommended you should not never look directly at the sun.
While Reading Advice
  • If you have reduced vision use a brighter light source.
  • Take regular break , Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Look away from you book and look at an object 20 feet away for a least 20 seconds. Walk arond for a while give your eyes a rest.
  • Blink often to moisten your eyes. Dry eye can result when starting at an object for too long.
  • Consider a large print book if words appear to small on the page.
  • Remember to blink.
Eye Diet Tips
  • Try a seafood diet:- You probably know that omega-3 fatty acids can bolster heart and brain health but they can also decrease your risk of the eye disease.
  • Go for the greens:- Leafy green, broccoli, peas Brussels, sprouts and carrots have a reputation as the go to vegetable for healthy eye sight.